Gabriel's four month check up was last thursday. He is so big! He weighs 16lbs 7oz (80th percentile) and is 251/4 inches long (75th percentile). His head is 60th percentile, so pretty much normal. Mark couldn't go to this appointment, so he gave me a list of things he wanted me to ask our pediatrician. One of them was about Gabriel's bowel movements (I know, really pleasant). Mark is a worrier. Me? Not so much. However, the doctor did say we should start feeding him veggies, fruit, diluted apple juice, and cereal in order to give him more fiber. I wasn't incredibly surprised, but Mark was really taken off guard. He said, "I just didn't realize that we were there yet. That's a whole new area to think about." I didn't think it was really that big a deal, but I do think Mark is awfully cute for being so surprised. He really is a wonderful and involved dad. I love him.
Yesterday Gabriel rolled over for the first time! I put him on his tummy on the floor and he eventually rolled onto his back. I left him there for a minute to go check on some baking, and when I came back he was back on his tummy. I was so excited that I was there. I am loving being home. I love being at home with Gabriel.
The holidays have taken on a whole new meaning for me this year, and we are loving the experience of Christmas with him. He is our greatest gift and blessing this year. I can't express how thankful I am to have him. Plus, how could you not love those cheeks? I am continuing a tradition of my mother's by making pastries for our friends, neighbors, and family. This is not just any pastry. It is filled with homemade custard, a crumb mixture, and has icing drizzeled all over it. It is soooo good. Here is a pic of the final product.
Here are some photos from Christmas so far. He is such an inquisitive and happy baby and it really shows. We love him. What is the most wonderful gift I have this year? My family. No doubt. Merry Christmas.