Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I love you

Tuesday evening we went out for dinner, because Mark hadn't eaten all day, and he decided he really wanted a steak. While we were at the restaurant I realized that I hadn't brought my cell phone with me and I had to go strait from there to the church for youth activity night. Mark offered to let me take his phone with me and I did. When I came home he told me that he and Gabriel had made me a gift on my phone. Here it is:

The "Ah Lala lu" or "I love you" at the end is my favorite. Mostly he says it when prompted, but every once in a while he just says it out of the blue. It makes my heart melt every time.


Debbie said...

Super cute!!! He is getting so big. I am sad babies grow so quickly, but it is so fun to watch them as they do. :) Today Andy tried to put Em down for a nap, and she laid in the crib hollering "Dad. Dad. DAD. Dad. DAD. Dad. . . . " until he finally gave up and went and got her. Silly girl. :)

Jenny said...

He's too cute...and such a boy (I think dad probably helps with that...knock the tower over!). Gotta love the "love yous' that occasionally come out of their own free will!